Heart health for an underweight girl.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Heart health for an underweight girl.?
28 answers:
2011-02-27 10:24:02 UTC
Anorexia is a serious disease and should not be dealt with by lay people. See your doctor. Even though you don't want to hear it you must get to a healthy weight so that your organs receive proper nutrition because without proper nutrition to your heart liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc, etc they WILL NOT function correctly and with time they will cease to function and when they do that is called DEATH to YOU. Please learn to like yourself and treat yourself accordingly. Pretty girls are not skinny girls. Guys like curves and not bone structure. Learn to laugh and have fun. Laugh with someone and not have them to laugh at you.

If a person had lung cancer and the lungs were being destroyed what would you tell them to do l Of course you would tell them to go to the doctor to try and save their lung. Well, you have a disease that is killing all your organs so what do you think you should do ?

Find a support group but first go to your doctor.
2011-02-27 11:17:58 UTC
Recent studies indicate that a Vitamin B1 deficiency is the root cause of anorexia and other eating disorders. And sugar depletes the body of Vitamin B1. For now, I'd avoid sugar, (and HFCS), and perhaps take a good Super B-complex Vitamin. For heart health avoid an over consumption of processed carbohydrates, (as in cakes, pastries, refined cereals, cookies, candies, soft drinks, large amounts of alcohol, etc.), and Trans-fats. Any ingredient list that contains "hydrogenated oil" or "partially hydrogenated" oil has trans-fats whether is says "Zero Trans-Fats" or not on the label. Avoid highly processed cooking oils as they turn to trans-fats when heated. They are also rancid before they hit the store shelves but deodorized to hide this rancid smell. One of the healthiest and safest oils you can cook with is Virgin Coconut Oil. Use only "cold-pressed" 100% pure extra virgin olive oil in your salads.

Anorexics also often have elevated cholesterol levels. Make sure you eat "wild caught" fish at least once or twice a week to get your omega-3 fatty acids. Wild caught salmon is excellent for omega-3 fatty acids... and it even comes in a can similar to tuna fish. The "red" wild salmon seems to have a better flavor, but the "pink" is good too. You can eat it right out of the can if you want but don't fry it as this will destroy the omega-3 fatty acids. Ninety-nine percent of Americans are deficient in this essential fatty acid. Without omega-3 fatty acids in your diet you can die... usually of sudden cardiac arrest. The ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty acids in your diet should be in a one-to-one ratio. This is particularly hard to attain in the American diet due to the highly processed oils which are high in omega-6 fatty acids. Another problem is all the grain being consumed by farm animals and farmed fish which raise the omega-6 composition of the meats we eat. These animals that are meant for human consumption should be eating their natural foods like grass. Fish should be getting their normal diets as nature intended. Also keep in mind that when you have an omega-3 verses an omega-6 fatty acid imbalance in the body you will always have elevated serum cholesterol levels. If you can, try to eat organic grass-fed meats and free range or cage free eggs and poultry. This will give you healthy omega-3 fatty acids as well. Don't use margarine. Use organic grass-fed butter instead. Walnuts, (and other nuts), and avocados also contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Try to avoid MSG in your foods. Although it is known to make people gain weight, (or become obese), it can also cause other problems such as an irregular or rapid heart rate. MSG is hidden in processed foods by many different names so it is a good idea to research this.

Exercise is great but can be a problem if your are not getting the essential nutrients to sustain your body. For the most part, anorexics are not getting all the nutrients they need due to their restricted diet.
2017-04-03 14:59:12 UTC
eat lots of fruits and vegetables
2016-10-01 10:12:33 UTC
basically make advantageous your constantly on correct. As you grow to be extra knowledgable approximately you and your new lover/ try new issues. because of fact it is your first time basically save on correct and have him prepare you. Or examine books or circulate to web content in the journey that your curious some extra.
2016-06-07 16:08:02 UTC
milk a cow for 34 minutes
2016-09-03 07:20:07 UTC
invest in a standing desk like the ergotron workfit s 379 ergotron com or get crafty and raise your monitor and keyboard with books
2016-03-23 11:56:54 UTC
eat a rainbow of colors have at least one brightly colored fruit or vegetable in each meal and if appropriate eat the skins thats where youll find a powerhouse of antioxidants
2016-05-24 18:57:57 UTC
silken tofu makes a wonderful replacement for cream in some recipes
2016-05-17 18:59:34 UTC
yoga may be relaxing but you can also get a good workout an hour of yoga can burn up to 350 calories
gangadharan nair
2011-02-27 10:39:12 UTC
The extreme dieting and weight loss of anorexia can lead to a potentially fatal degree of malnutrition.

# Other possible consequences of anorexia include heart-rhythm disturbances, digestive abnormalities, bone density loss, anemia, and hormonal and electrolyte imbalances.

# The treatment of anorexia must focus on more than just weight gain and often involves a combination of individual, group, and family psychotherapies in addition to nutritional counseling.

When you have anorexia, it can be difficult to take care of yourself properly. In addition to professional treatment, follow these steps:

* Stick to your treatment plan. Don't skip therapy sessions and try not to stray from meal plans, even if they make you uncomfortable.

* Talk to your doctor about appropriate vitamin and mineral supplements. If you're not eating well, chances are your body isn't getting all of the nutrients it needs.

* Don't isolate yourself from caring family members and friends who want to see you get healthy. Understand that they have your best interests at heart.

* Resist urges to weigh yourself or check yourself in the mirror frequently. These may do nothing but fuel your drive to maintain unhealthy habits.

The following organizations are good resources for information on Anorexia nervosa:-

National Eating Disorders Association

603 Stewart Street, Suite 803

Seattle, WA 98101



National Institute of Mental Health, NIH, HHS

National Institute of Health

9000 Rockville Pike

Bethesda, MD 20892

Academy for Eating Disorders

American Psychological Association

750 First Street, N.E.

Washington, D.C. 20002


National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders


T.H.E. (Treatment, Healing, Education) Center for Disordered Eating

297 Haywood Street

Asheville, NC 28801


American Psychiatric Association

1000 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1825

Arlington, VA 22209

2016-08-29 12:08:53 UTC
Use calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you re consuming daily
2016-08-15 23:03:07 UTC
Don t go back to old eating habits even after you lose weight
2016-08-04 17:10:19 UTC
Portion size is very important even for foods that are good for you
2016-08-03 18:07:26 UTC
Try yoga to lose weight
2016-07-02 12:33:39 UTC
switch up your ice cream dessert with fresh berries and light whipped cream
2016-04-24 10:39:57 UTC
45 minute breaststroke swim
2016-06-28 06:54:25 UTC
eat cereal for breakfast five days a week
2015-12-20 21:04:27 UTC
instead of a sit down meeting ask your boss if you can talk and walk
2016-06-09 17:39:43 UTC
volunteer to deliver meals or help build housing
2016-04-09 19:42:14 UTC
90 minutes on the elliptical
2016-05-13 08:06:01 UTC
50 minutes on the stairmaster
2015-06-20 14:35:31 UTC
don t save calories up to splurge on junk
2016-09-04 00:41:35 UTC
don t eat out of a bottomless bag
2016-08-01 18:06:23 UTC
keep a food journal
2015-12-15 04:56:35 UTC
get off the bus two stops sooner walk the rest of the way
2016-05-20 17:44:45 UTC
turn on tunes and dance while cooking
2016-08-16 13:07:09 UTC
Take the stairs
2015-12-25 10:10:01 UTC
don t sneak bites

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.